GameBlender 4 Ever

Phase 3 - pick up a ball[]


In this phase we will teach GUS to bow down and pickup a ball.


GUS can stay and walk.

The enhanced FSM graph[]

There are two new states ball_pickup and ball_standing. The prefix ball shows that this states are related to the object ball.


When the FSM is in the state stand and the key "b" is pressed GUS will perform a transition to the state ball_pickup.

The entry action for state ball_pickup is en-frame1 that restart the current animation.

The state action for state ball_pickup sets the current animation to "GUS_ball_pickup".

When the key "s" is pressed while GUS is in state ball_pickup a transition to the state stand will be performed.

When the property frame is 141 the animation ends. GUS performs a transition from state 'ball_pickup to state ball_stand.


The entry action for state ball_stand is en-frame1. This sets the property frame to 1 to restart the current animation.

The state action for state ball_stand sets the current animation to "GUS_walking".

When the property frame is 151 the animation ends. GUS performs a transition from state ball_stand to state ball_stand. This let GUS play the walking animation again.

Fsm phase3 pickup


The state Ball_pickup[]

A state sensor is required to check for the state ball_pickup.

  • Add a property sensor that checks the property state for the value ball_pickup. Call the sensor sStateBall_pickup.

FSM phase3 state ball pickup

The state Ball_stand[]

A state sensor is required to check for the state ball_stand.

  • Add a property sensor that checks the property state for the value ball_stand. Call the sensor sStateBall_stand.

FSM phase3 state ball stand



If the key "b" is pressed while GUS is in state stand a transition to the state ball_pickup should be performed.

  • Add a keyboard sensor named sB to check for the key b.
  • Add an AND controller named cStand->Ball_pickup.
  • Connect the sensor sStateStand with controller cStand->Ball_pickup.
  • Connect the sensor sB with controller cStand->Ball_pickup.
  • Add a property actuator aStateBall_pickup that assigns the value "ball_pickup" to the property state.
  • Connect cStand->Ball_pickup with aStateBall_pickup.
  • As cStand->Ball_pickup is a transition controller connect it to the actuator aStatechange++.

FSM phase3 transition stand ball pickup


If the key "s" is pressed while GUS is in state ball_pickup a transition to the state stand should be performed.

  • Add an AND controller named cBall_pickup->Stand.
  • Connect the sensor sStateBall_pickup with controller cBall_pickup->Stand.
  • Connect the sensor sS with controller cBall_pickup->Stand.
  • Connect cBall_pickup->Stand with aStateStand.
  • As cBall_pickup->Stand is a transition controller connect it to the actuator aStatechange++.

FSM phase3 transition ball pickup stand


If the Ball_pickup animation ends (frame 141) a transition to the state ball_stand should be performed.

  • Add a property sensor named sFrame141 that checks the property frame to be equal to 141.
  • Add an AND controller named cBall_pickup->Ball_stand.
  • Connect the sensor sFrame141 with controller cBall_pickup->Ball_stand.
  • Connect the sensor sStateBall_pickup with controller cBall_pickup->Ball_stand.
  • Add a property actuator aStateBall_stand that assigns the value "ball_stand" to the property state.
  • Connect cBall_pickup->Ball_stand with aStateBall_stand.
  • As cBall_pickup->Ball_stand is a transition controller connect it to the actuator aStatechange++.

FSM phase3 transition ball pickup ball stand


As the walking animation will come to an end (at frame 41) we need to restart the walking animation. This will be done by a transition from state Ball_stand to Ball_stand.

  • Add an AND controller named cBall_stand->Ball_stand.
  • Connect the sensor sStateBall_stand with controller cBall_stand->Ball_stand.
  • Connect the sensor sFrame151 with the controller cBall_stand->Ball_stand.
  • As cBall_stand->Ball_stand is a transition controller connect it to the actuator aStatechange++.
  • Optional: Connect cBall_stand->Ball_stand with aStateBall_stand.

FSM phase3 transition Ball stand Ball stand

Remarks: There is currently no transition back to stand. This transition will be added in a later phase.


Entry Actions[]


When entering the state ball_pickup the animation should be reset to frame 1.

  • Add an AND controller cEn-Ball_pickup.
  • Connect the sensor sStatechanged with the controller cEn-Ball_pickup.
  • Connect the sensor sStateBall_pickup with the controller cEn-Ball_pickup.
  • Connect cEn-Ball_pickup with the actuator aFrame1

FSM phase3 En-Ball pickup


When entering the state ball_standing the animation should be reset to frame 1.

  • Add an AND controller cEn-Ball_standing.
  • Connect the sensor sStatechanged with the controller cEn-Ball_standing.
  • Connect the sensor sStateBall_pickup with the controller cEn-Ball_standing.
  • Connect cEn-Ball_standing with the actuator aFrame1

FSM phase3 En-Ball standing

State Actions[]

State action Ball_pickup[]

GUS should play its pickup animation "st-act:GUS_ball_pickup".

  • Add an AND controller with the name cBall_pickup.
  • Connect the sensor sStateBall_pickup with the controller cBall_pickup.
  • Add an action actuator named aBall_pickup. Select the action type "Property". Enter GUS_ball_pickup in the field "AC:" and frame in the field "Prop:".
  • Connect the controller cBall_pickup with aBall_pickup.

FSM phase3 Ball pickup

State action Ball_stand[]

GUS should play its pickup animation "st-act:GUS_ball_standing".

  • Add an AND controller with the name cBall_stand.
  • Connect the sensor sStateBall_stand with the controller cBall_stand.
  • Add an action actuator named aBall_standing. Select the action type "Property". Enter GUS_ball_standing in the field "AC:" and frame in the field "Prop:".
  • Connect the controller cBall_stand with aBall_standing.

FSM phase3 Ball stand


As in the previous phases the logic bricks should be sorted a bit to provide a better overview.

FSM phase3 cleanup

GUS can now walk, stand, pickup and walk while carrying a ball. Unfortunatly there is no ball to carry. The next phase will show how to add the ball.

Proceed with Phase 4 - grap the ball

or go back to FSM with logic bricks
