GameBlender 4 Ever

Particle Smoke


Requirement: This tutorial is based on the Particles Fire tutorial. Alternative Particles Flame can be used.

User level: Normal

Blender version: 2.43

Results: Smoke and Fire

Tut part smoke result

The flame particle will be copied and modified to simulate smoke via an alpha texture.


  • Follow the Particles Fire or Particles Flame tutorial.
  • Create the texture with any paint program. Name it Particle_alpha.tga. It requires an alpha channel. You can use following channels to compose the texture:
Particle alpha - The RGB map is plain black.
Particle basic - The Alpha map is visible in the center fading out to the border.
  • As black smoke is difficult to see on black background go to shading<F5> -> world buttons and change the background color to a medium color (not white).

Tut part smoke background

The Particle

  • In layer two make a copy of Particle_fire name it Particle_smoke
  • Move Particle_smoke to layer three <m> or move it away from Particle_fire <g>
  • Display the IPO curve Editor and make the IPO curve single user copy. This ensures we have separate IPO curves for smoke and fire.

Tut part smoke particle

  • The logic can remain as it is already.
  • Rename the IPO curve to Particle_smoke.
  • Remove the IPO curves ColR, ColG, ColB.
  • Change the IPO curves ScaleY, ScaleZ and add ColA as shown below:

Tut part smoke particle IPO

  • Use this guide to set the control points:
IPO keys
Channel 1 2
ScaleY (0.0,0.6) (30.0,2.0)
ScaleZ (0.0,0.6) (30.0,2.0)
ColA (0.0,0.0) (30.0,0.0)
  • Go into the UV Face select mode <f>.
  • Enable the Alpha button which disables Add.
  • Open the UV/Image Editor.
  • Open the image Particle_alpha.tga from the preparation

Tut part smoke particle UV

The Emitter

  • Now it is time to add the smoke to the fire. Go to layer one and select the Emitter_fire
  • Display the logic buttons <F4>.
  • Add another always sensor. As we do not need so much smoke the sensor should fire with a frequency of 3.
  • Connect this sensor to a new AND controller.
  • Connect this controller with a new Edit Object actuator with Add Object "Particle_smoke", Time 60. The smoke will stay twice as long as the flames.

Tut part smoke emitter logic

  • Now it is tme to enjoy the result.

Tut part smoke result


  • The density of the smoke can be controlled with the ColA IPO curve or with the frequency of the triggering always sensor.
  • The shape of the smoke can be controlled with the ScaleY and ScaleZ IPO curves.
  • The lenght/speed direction of the smoke is conrolled by the Particle_smoke motion actuator
  • Think about environment - Reduce polution!